Friday, May 28, 2010

Sheepskin Jacket Medallion

This beaded medallion is on the reverse side of the sheepskin jacket. 

Here's what Miles said:
"..... The reason that they stopped and came back was because I was sitting in my red Farrari, dressed in a turban, cobra-skinned pants, and a sheepskin coat, with a real fine women - I think it was Marguerite, again - outside the Plaza Hotel.  The two white cops who saw this probably thought that I was a drug dealer and that's why they came back.  Neverless to say, if I had been a white person sitting in that Faerrari, they would have gone about their business."  

From:  Miles, The Autobiography
Miles Davis with Quincy Troupe
Page 307

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Miles!

Born today, May 26, 1926 in Alton, Illinois, Miles would have been 84 years old. He was raised in East St. Louis and given his first trumpet at the age of 13. And the rest of the story is history!

Pictured below is Miles wearing the sheep skin coat that is now featured in a display at the Grammy Museum in Los Angeles. The photographer is Tadayuki Naitoh. This photo was on the inside cover of Miles Davis' AGHARTA; Japanese original edition, February 1, 1975; Osaka, Japan.